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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wise Words

Be Wise

Be Wise!Listen, Listen, Listen...

In our time-starved society, attentiveness and listening skills seem to have fallen to the wayside. In order to make those with whom you communicate feel important, brush up on your listening skills. Make sure to give the speaker your undivided attention: regardless of how great you are at multi-tasking, treating an individual as a "task" is not a good idea. Eye-contact, nodding in agreement, asking leading questions and using your face to provide feedback also contribute to a positive communication experience that will foster the growth of the relationship.

Be Wise!Asking

Puberty is like the pupa stage in the development of an insect in that what enters that stage very often is very different than what emerges.

Be Wise!Vision

A person who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; a person who never asks is a fool forever.

Be Wise!Reminder!

Men who treat women as helpless and charming playthings deserve women who treat them as delightful and generous bank accounts.


Be Wise!The Joy of almonds

Almonds have as much protein per ounce as red meat. Adding almonds into your diet has shown to help reduce the risk of heart attacks by as much as 50%. This result is due to the good-for-your-heart vitamin E found in almonds. Monounsaturated fats can decrease your bad LDL cholesterol levels and increase your good HDL cholesterol levels. Antioxidants help keep your arteries young.

Be Wise!Inner Happiness

Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect; it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.


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