Found on the Internet: Right now I'm idly sticking a toothpick between two of my molars, really jamming it in there so it squeezes against the gums and the flesh between the teeth. It hurts, but it's also quite pleasurable. I know I'm not alone in this either - other people have said they feel the same way.
When I was a kid and I'd get a loose tooth, I'd just keep wiggling and wiggling it until eventually it came out. Because I liked the sensation of it. It's hard to put into words. It's definitely pain. But I wouldn't just prick my arm with a toothpick for no reason. I don't get any pleasure out of that whatsoever, nor on any other part of my body. But for some reason, poking my gums with sharp objects makes me feel good.
Why is this?
And it's not so much the outer areas of the gums - it's really just the parts of the gums that are right between or around the teeth.

The Wizard's best guess: I would think it's similar to the endorphin release that some folks who are cutters, (I admit I am a cutter - though haven't cut in a long while), who deliberately cause pain to release endorphins, causing pleasure. For me it was because that was ALL I could feel, without the pain, I felt nothing. This is not uncommon for bi-polar folks like me... So, generally, on those people whose gums have receded, exposing more of the inside of the gum to the acids in the mouth, results in swollen gums. These then in turn hurt when massaged or poked with a toothpick, for example, creating pain, which then releases endorphins, to mask the pain. Kind of like your own built in pain killer. This also may happen when you get your teeth cleaned.
Well that's my 2 cents. Have a different opinion? Make a comment!
When I was a kid and I'd get a loose tooth, I'd just keep wiggling and wiggling it until eventually it came out. Because I liked the sensation of it. It's hard to put into words. It's definitely pain. But I wouldn't just prick my arm with a toothpick for no reason. I don't get any pleasure out of that whatsoever, nor on any other part of my body. But for some reason, poking my gums with sharp objects makes me feel good.
Why is this?
And it's not so much the outer areas of the gums - it's really just the parts of the gums that are right between or around the teeth.

The Wizard's best guess: I would think it's similar to the endorphin release that some folks who are cutters, (I admit I am a cutter - though haven't cut in a long while), who deliberately cause pain to release endorphins, causing pleasure. For me it was because that was ALL I could feel, without the pain, I felt nothing. This is not uncommon for bi-polar folks like me... So, generally, on those people whose gums have receded, exposing more of the inside of the gum to the acids in the mouth, results in swollen gums. These then in turn hurt when massaged or poked with a toothpick, for example, creating pain, which then releases endorphins, to mask the pain. Kind of like your own built in pain killer. This also may happen when you get your teeth cleaned.
Well that's my 2 cents. Have a different opinion? Make a comment!
I'm not sure about the depression/bi-polar angle...
Perhaps it's evolutionary?
Perhaps stimulating blood flow? Perhaps it exercises the gums to harden them up for eating when teeth are lost? Perhaps it's to get people to "floss" naturally?
I do it too, I'm 45 and I used to poke my gums until they bled, then I'd put peroxide on the sore parts and watch it bubble, ir was sensational. my teeth would sometimes loosen up from my constant gum annihilation and I would push them and when they made that cracking sound it was almost orgasmic. Unfortunately I had all my teeth removed and now wear a denture, I haven't poked my gums for years but I really miss it
I find poking my gums when they're sore or agitated from hydrogen peroxide an absolute rush without equal. Not sure if it's a chemical (endorphin) thing or purely psychological but yes you're not alone. The closest thing I can compare it to is eating hot peppers. They make you tear And you're not sure you can stand the intensity any longer. if a part of my gums are inflamed from rubbing against hard bread crust or something, then poking it with a toothpick is yes, pretty much orgasmic.
I'm using a tooth pick right now between my two molars and it feels awesome. I find myself pushing the toothpick upward with more pressure to my gums. it feels like an itchy pleasurable pain. I'm guessing kind of like when your feet are really sore and someone massages them and it tickles and feels sore and good at the same time. like you can barely take it oh but you can lol. felt so good on my gums that I had to see if anyone else had the same sensations I have on my gums right now lol. weird I know.
I pick my gums right in between the teeth and it hurts but it feels so good.. I have no clue if its bad for my teeth. I stick any thing small enough and bite down. I try and stop but I cant. Im doing it right the sec. I really would like to kno how to stop.
Im glad to know so many share this behavior. I use the bristles of a toothbrush to cut into large areas around several teeth at a time. There is a rush of "it hurts so good" feeling that I am addicted to. Mouth wash rinsing helps in between picking sessions. I also soak my toothbrush in it to keep it clean. The more pain the better. I feel relaxed, almost sleepy after an intense picking session.
I've had my tongue priced 3 times now and each time I get it done feels better then the last and I also can't stop wiggling my teeth and doing other stuff to hurt my gums but it feels so good I'm glad I'm not alone on this I mean its not like I'm depressed or ever was a cutter it's only the oral pain feels so wonderful I think I need help
I'm reading all of your comments and I'm so happy I'm not the only one. I really can't remember when I started. I was probably 8 years old or so, but I started biting my nails and using it to prod endlessly in between my teeth. It's such a weird pain. It's so hard to describe. I go as far as that nail can go, and rip it out as fast as I can just to feel that gum pain. Then I'd just suck up the blood and start again until I've completely destroyed the nail. Sometimes I leave the nail in my tooth overnight. Wow I'm weird, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm even doing it right now as I type!!
This is so funny because as I'm reading all these comments I'm picking my gums. I love sticking something sharp up between two teeth and slowly dragging it out at an angle. It feels like heaven and my whole body gets the chills. I love it. I tell myself to stop doing it but once I start I do it for an hour at least. I just close my eyes and pick and it's honestly awesome. I don't think it has anything to do with depression...its just this awesome painful feeling lol. I probably should stop though because I don't want to mess anything up. Maybe just a few more times....
I have done this too. I bought dental picks and picked at my gums. The pain would make me get aroused if I did it too long. Unfortunately, I've lost all my teeth too. But I also press on sore areas that I find, anywhere on my body.
I have done this too. I bought dental picks and picked at my gums. The pain would make me get aroused if I did it too long. Unfortunately, I've lost all my teeth too. But I also press on sore areas that I find, anywhere on my body.
Yea pretty crazy I get the exact same feeling.. I love those new dental floss picks well fairly new I love to floss hard and press in between my teeth really hard it's like some kind of rush almost similar to when you organs but not really even close to as intense ... I even had times since I can remember I would bite a toothpick in half long ways to be able to stick it in between my teeth then bite Down and get it stuck in there the more pain the better it feels it definitely has to be some kind of release of other pain maybe from stress or just the nerves around there are wired to the plain and pleasure centers in the brain... Idk i feel i can control it I try not to go overboard and usually just do it now as I floss my teeth a dentist once told me if your gums bleed it's a great way to make them stronger bc of the increased blood flow to them and eventually they'll bleed less and less you don't want them bleeding ridiculously bc that could be a sign of gum disease... Idk glad I'm not alone def one of those weird things about the human body and brain that is really hard to figure out and explain! Happy pricking haha
Oh my goodness I love it sooooo much! I would be devastated if my dentist told me that it was going to cause problems down the road because I don't know if I could actually stop. LOL thank you for everybody's honesty. It's nice to be vulnerable and know you're not alone. ;-)
Hey, please don't think I'm weird, but once, when having sex with my girlfriend, she stuck a dental probe into my upper gum right when I was beginning to orgasm; I have NEVER had an orgasm like that! God, I almost passed out it was so awesome!
Here's another level of weirdness: on top of LOVING the gum pain, i always smell the bristled pick (instrument of maximum pleasure just so yall know) and shudder with pleasure at the rotten smelling plaque. Ugh it's so weird but i cant help it. Don't judge me.
I have purposely not gone to the dentist. I have a big cavity on one of my molars and it's beyond repair. I like the feeling when I put pressure on it with my tongue and stretch the tooth outward as to almost break. I liked when my teeth would fall as a kid and wish it could happen all over again. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I'm the exact same way, unfortunately the urge to cause pain to my gums has increased over the last few months. It's gotten to the point where I just wanna pull my teeth out. I'll never do it though, for obvious reasons...
idk if this is just me but I do not like the pain afterwards when picking my gums. But it feels good during and that makes me not want to stop because I don't want to experience the pain afterwards. Does that make sense? I know once I start picking a spot I'm going to have sore gums but I just have to experience the feeling. I think it's kind of like scratching chicken pox?
Hi guys, I'm picking at an unerupted wisdom tooth as I'm reading your comments, I have fibromyalgia which causes horrible pain over my body, but when I pick my gums til they throb it kinda distracts my pain elsewhere. I think over time the brain rewires our pain receptors hence why we enjoy it. It started with having braces with me, I had a band around my molars and I liked to make them wiggle so the cement came loose!! But if I have a real bad itch say on my back where I could not reach I would use a hair dryer on the itch until I could not bare the heat, it's all quiet similar, it must be a certain pain receptor?? Yes I'm weird, the way I see it at least I'm not ripping off skin???
Relieved I'm not alone. I am bipolar and last summer I started feeling so anxious that I started grinding my teeth - literally. Now I have done it for so long that I have caused two teeth to come loose and now I feel a bit as if I am obsessively pulling and prodding at them. Yes it's painful, but definitely pleasurable. Hold it long enough and I guess the pain does sweep over you like an orgasm. I have bought gum and the hubby is threatening to buy me a gum shield. Good to read all your comments.
Thanks for posting the comments I too enjoy pain in my gums and teeth usually pushing against a certain spot repeatedly for hours back and forth
Oh my God I think it's because and I'm going to be honest with you people the nerves from your teeth are huge and they attached directly to your brain so when you are touching your gums in your teeth area you are basically telling your body you're alive and yes the pain sensation releases endorphins it also releases the sensation of being alive and you interpreted as good as I'm writing this I want to rip one of my teeth out just to experience the sensation I had as a kid wiggling a tooth and ripping it out it was like an orgasmic nerve pain oh and yes it was pain and if you can compare the tissue on your gums and nerves it's much like the tip of a male's penis or a woman's clit however it's not attached to any organ other than the brain so if people are wondering why you feel so good it's basically because of that you're basically f****** with your body's chemistry and biology we all found loopholes and in God's creation of our body and we will continue to exploit them why because this I Android or iPhone is a piece of s*** and boring and put the only user found out of it is this f****** blog
Oh my God I think it's because and I'm going to be honest with you people the nerves from your teeth are huge and they attached directly to your brain so when you are touching your gums in your teeth area you are basically telling your body you're alive and yes the pain sensation releases endorphins it also releases the sensation of being alive and you interpreted as good as I'm writing this I want to rip one of my teeth out just to experience the sensation I had as a kid wiggling a tooth and ripping it out it was like an orgasmic nerve pain oh and yes it was pain and if you can compare the tissue on your gums and nerves it's much like the tip of a male's penis or a woman's clit however it's not attached to any organ other than the brain so if people are wondering why you feel so good it's basically because of that you're basically f****** with your body's chemistry and biology we all found loopholes and in God's creation of our body and we will continue to exploit them why because this I Android or iPhone is a piece of s*** and boring and put the only user found out of it is this f****** blog
It connects directly to the brain the nerves on your gum are much like the penis or the clit except that attach to an organ other than the brain remember when you're a child ripping your teeth out yes same behavior and memory is attached to adulthood and the feeling you got as a child is a feeling you get as an adult except your teeth don't grow back as an adult if they did I would rip one out every f****** day excuse my language it feels so damn good I can't explain it it's like a Valium and a line of cocaine at the same time a rush and a stress relief one of my writing this
I love it ! I can’t stop ! I bust every time I poke my gums to bledature. Poke on babes !
Poke on baby ! Poke on !
I am so relieved to know I am not the only one who does this. I also started doing this at a young age . Started off chewing my nails and pushing them in between my teeth into my gum line . I am almost 41 and still doing it except now I do it with dental floss and toothpicks . I believe I have ruined my gum line and it has now started to affect my teeth. I start out by flossing for a good half hour and then use mouthwash cause it hurts even more !!! I have talked to others including dentists and they look at me like I am nuts ! It literally is a addiction that has ruined my teeth and gums. My fear is that I will eventually need dentures and I won’t be able to floss or pick anymore. Last night I flossed for a half hour and woke up with a toothache.
I am glad I am not the only one who does this. There is not a lot of info on this behavior that I can find . This website is the closest thing I could find. I guess I need to find another way to release endorphins or I am gonna loose my teeth eventually . Even talking about it makes me want to floss !!!!!
I am so relieved to know I am not the only one who does this. I also started doing this at a young age . Started off chewing my nails and pushing them in between my teeth into my gum line . I am almost 41 and still doing it except now I do it with dental floss and toothpicks . I believe I have ruined my gum line and it has now started to affect my teeth. I start out by flossing for a good half hour and then use mouthwash cause it hurts even more !!! I have talked to others including dentists and they look at me like I am nuts ! It literally is a addiction that has ruined my teeth and gums. My fear is that I will eventually need dentures and I won’t be able to floss or pick anymore. Last night I flossed for a half hour and woke up with a toothache.
I am glad I am not the only one who does this. There is not a lot of info on this behavior that I can find . This website is the closest thing I could find. I guess I need to find another way to release endorphins or I am gonna loose my teeth eventually . Even talking about it makes me want to floss !!!!!
You are not alone in this! Try applying ice in these areas and feel the intense pain! I hope this is not harmful though the gums have receded.
You are not alone in this! Try applying ice in these areas and feel the intense pain! I hope this is not harmful though the gums have receded.
Apply ice in affected feels good.
i have a lip piercing and i constantly shove it between my teeth and bite down, ive broken many bars this way but it feels too good so stop, and i feel tense and distracted when im not doing it
Omg !! I can’t believe I found other people doing this. I’ve gone years n years without doing this but ever since I stopped cutting I started picking my gums. The more pain the better it feels. I do have depression and anxiety but since I read on here some do it and they don’t suffer from either of those. I had a major toothache but I didn’t enjoy that at all, since I wasn’t inflicting it myself. Another thing like one reader said I enjoy getting an itch and putting a hair dyer or hot water until I can’t handle the heat anymore. Ohh that feels so good when I have a itchy rash !!
Omg !! I can’t believe I found other people doing this. I’ve gone years n years without doing this but ever since I stopped cutting I started picking my gums. The more pain the better it feels. I do have depression and anxiety but since I read on here some do it and they don’t suffer from either of those. I had a major toothache but I didn’t enjoy that at all, since I wasn’t inflicting it myself. Another thing like one reader said I enjoy getting an itch and putting a hair dyer or hot water until I can’t handle the heat anymore. Ohh that feels so good when I have a itchy rash !!
Hi im reading in 2018 and I thought I was werid and the only one I'm sat here now stabbing my own gums and weirdly enjoying it ive done it for as long as I can remember I'm not good with pain else where though I suffer with adhd ptsd and ocd ans anxiety ive never told anyone but my partner who thinks it's weird I have early stage of gums disease
Wow I do this too.. just like u. And I looked this up online. Took me over 20yrs to look this up. But glad to see I'm not the only one .
Your description was the best, very relatable!
Sorry to hear about the dentures, I will carry on the tradition for all of us flossers, brushers, pokers, etc. I wil be amazed if anyone sees this years later.
I started young as well, I use spaghetti noodles and it’s the best feeling in the world easily.
im glad im not alone, for some reason it turns me on pressing stuff on my gums making them bleed
There are a load if nerves in your mouth and in your gums. Certain in your teeth are even attached to your heart, so be careful not to get a infection and not do anything about it.
Going to the dentist and have something done to my teeth is agony. My gums on the other hand that feels really good. It doesnt give me any sexual feelings but it just feels good.
I am hypermobile and because of that my all my nerves in my body are extra sensetive.
Unfortunately I suffer from a lot of other pain because of ME fybromyalgia and the hypermobility. Because of those illneses I have a lot of other things going on.
If I make the pain in my gums it numbs the other pain in my body. I get the same feeling if I softly scratch or put my nail on the inside of my vagina and when I bite on the inside of my bottom lip. Sometimes I am biting my lip without knowing and people comment because my lip swells up. It is such a good pain. But again it doesnt feel sexual for me nor do I orgasm.
I think if I ask around here that most people who do this have a ilness which has something to do with their nerves. Also people with mental disabilities are physically very sensitive.
I am a hypersensetive person, I have extreem good smell, and hearing and taste. Everything is an overload for me.And also mentally I am very sensetive I pick up on peoples mood and how they feel in such a way that I feel that to.
I think because of that certain pain like scratching on some sensetive places feels good because it is an overload.
I do try to ignore the urge of doing these things because it is bad for your teeth or any other place of the body.
Be careful guys dont damage youre beautiful bodies.
Suck like you're trying to suck food out of your teeth. It's helped me and i haven't pressed my gums in a few years.
You know what else feels great?....biting the inside of your mouth....oh i love it....that initial puncture from your teeth....omg....sandy! can avoid the cankar sores by being vigilant with listerine
I rub my gums with a piece of clothing, such as a jumper or t-shirt that I'm wearing. My nee dentist noticed some of my gums are receding, I explained the likely cause and he had never heard of it. Been doing it for years, can't remember how it started. I usually rib when relaxing watching the TV.
I love gum pain. I like to floss hard then rinse with mouthwash.I also love biting my lip open. I'll sit there and keep nipping at the bite on my lip then I'll go get the salt and rub a finger full in the open wound.Its an addictive pain, a total rush for sure! Glad I found these comments.
This is amazing. I was trying to find something talk about or relate to What I just started doing a little over an hour ago.. maybe two. I get one of my fingers and place it between two teeth and wiggle back and forth and it made this strange creak type noise and it felt amazing. I also broke a wired bristled toothpick as well. But it doesn't hurt at all just feels amazing even when the gum bleeds. I need more if those toothpics. Anywho, not something I do often haven't done this is Lord knows how long but I just noticed I was standing awkwardly in my room in the dark poking and proding in various ways and stoped and thought to myself, what the freakfrack am I doing right now... and why can't I stop. So I decided to turn to the internet and found this agmunst the sea of nail biter sites. Hmmm, I really hope this isn't bad for me. Cause I can't stop... also I have extremely strong fingernails, and even though they are short, when I hear/feel that slight creak of a noise, I can't explain it, toothpicks/any other dental tool ain't got nothing on that... Hmmm I want to get braces... I feel like they would feel amazing...
I legit do the same thing ,as a kid I'd even go as far as using a toe nail if I had no fingernails to bite off !
I also induce pain into my gums and having been doing so since I was young. I’m 41 now. The pleasure that it gives me is hard to describe, it’s like a pulsating wave throughout my head, radiating out from my gums. I like to have alcohol afterwards as it prolongs the pain which equals pleasure. It’s the only true addiction I have. This is the first time I’ve spoke of it. I was a Grunt in the Army and the fact that pain someone gave me pleasure actually helped me out in my chosen profession.
Just reading this is giving me some serious mouth pain inflicting urges.
I've been picking my gums since about 10 years old. I'm now 50. My favorite is between my bottom two front teeth and the teeth next to them. I have major gum loss and big space between teeth where gums used to be but teeth are holding strong. For me toothpicks are way to big. The narrower the better. I prefer a fine needle. I try to poke and hit the nerve between my teeth. I'll try from all angles. It's like if I can cut out that nerve it will stop hurting (I know this isn't true). Sometimes I want to just carve out the whole gum between these teeth. It feels great when I hit the nerve. Hurts so good lol. But as quick as it came, it goes. So I have to slowly manipulate the needle inside the gum. I can feel the needle roll over the nerve. Then I try to stab it. I agree it's some kind of disorder. But I keep and most likely will keep doing it. I see dentist annually so I only pick my gums about twice a year. Because after I do, my gums are swollen and very tender for weeks after. Which in return makes me want to pick them more. Many hydrogen peroxide flushes. I've even tried injecting both hydrogen peroxide and Ambisol into the gums, separately. Well good luck to all us pickers.
Ughhhh it's cool and crazy to find out that someone understands that feeling! I do the same but I somehow manage to hurt my tongue by unconsciously picking my gums with it during the day at work... Especially when I'm anxious. My tongue tip is irritated and sometimes even has blisters from picking and rubbing against the teeth that much. It's not pleasant at all, it feels more like something is stuck between my teeth but I can never get rid of it, I can just relief the discomfort for a short time... I wish I could stop and sometimes that discomfort goes away for months, but when it comes back its so annoying...
I wish we could find out the patterns among all the people who experiences that. For example, for me it started when my wisdom teeth started to grow - and my dentist assumed that I may feel some discomfort because of the pressure from the wisdom teeth on my jaw. Like, maybe, the pressure from the two symmetrical wisdom teeth meets in the middle and presses two frontal teeth towards each other and sticking something between them releives the pressure for the moment... but that's just an aasumption.
I am starting to get bad teeth i have several bad experciences with a dentist so i dont see one as much as i should like it was bad in hospital 8 days over a tooth being left half cut in my mouth lomg story short i was surpised to see how many others go threw what i do i have a sore gim but i pick at cuz i like the pain i want to stop but cant its really bad at night
I think it's a form of excoriation disorder. I chew my cheeks, irritate my gums, bite my nails and pick at any and all blemishes, bug bites and scabs until they bleed everyday until they are healed. Cheek chewing is also a form of grinding just done while awake.
Good to know I'm not alone. It comes and goes since I was like 8. What I like to do after I messed the gums a bit is to put some salt on my finger and rub it in ....
Glad that I am not the only one who does this... But now gum is sore and i am scared to do any more damage to it as it can cause infection. But the pricking does feel good... It gives a satisfying pain which actually feels good.
I am 100% with you! Like I do the exact same thing
The mouth has a special status within the somatosensory system. First, it is one of the most densely innervated parts of the body, in terms of peripheral receptors. Basically, lots of super sensitive nerves very close to the surface which create a really quick pain response for the brain to release all those wonderful endorphines. Applying pressure between the upper molars at the same time you apply pressure to the gums between those molars gives a fast endorphine rush almost equal to the pleasure of an orgasm or a needle full of morphine plunging into a vein.....this is just my own personal opinion.
I do this almost everyday and I've been trying to figure out why. Like is it an addiction thing? Glad I'm not the only one who uses nails though ;-;
I'm concerned by the many respondents who don't use punctuation. Holy run on sentences!!!
I've always thought it would be amazing to have a third set of teeth so we can enjoy the delicious pain of wiggling out loose teeth! Better yet, like sharks, loose teeth for life. It isn't sexual for me, but it feels so good to rub or prod my front lower gums or just rub them with my finger. *sigh* Good to know I'm among friends here. :)
P.S. I also enjoy pushing on bruises and rubbing sore muscles, but it doesn't feel as good as gum pain.
Is there a name/label for this behavior? I poke at everything and I've tried to look it up for years and this is the first thing I have ever found that describes exactly what it is. But seriously, what IS it? How do I look more up in it or talk about it to people without a name for it?
I'm sitting here forcing a pick between my teeth and relishing the pain. Had to Google why it feels so good. Glad to know I'm not alone!
Omg same!!!
Sometimes in my classroom I get the pen cap and stick it between my teeth. It hurts a lot but I am addicted. I also do this with paper clips. It hurts after and I need help.
I love the feeling of picking and tearing at my gums. Sadly, I do it on the front of my gums. I jam my nails under the gum or I use wooden or plastic toothpicks. I LOVE to feel my gums throbbing. But now the gum on one of my teeth is severely receded. I can't feel the pain of the sensitive roots which is good, but I'll be talking to my parents about a gum graft. I HIGHLY suggest you stop, or this will be you.
I saw your reply, didn’t realise there are so many people who feel the same way lol
I am 29 years old and I've been doing this since I can remember, when I was younger I would use my finger nails and poke them up into my gums, slide them in and out between teeth, sometimes I would lose them in my gums at the top of my mouth and find them a couple of days later. I've used things like Bobby pins, tooth picks, floss picks, but lately I've been using the back of my earring.. the small needle like thing is perfect in getting in-between every teeth, I've been trying to make my way around my whole mouth poking in-between all teeth, still have a couple left to get through but it's all fun for me, This addiction comes in waves for me and usually when I have a lot of time on my hands and am feeling completely relaxed, I've started doing it again and it feels sooo good! The pain on my gums when poking them is just orgasmic! Surley this is a disorder or something, there's no info about this at all besides on this forum.
When I was a kid, I would get a tiny tender spot between teeth and then poke it with my finger nail repeatedly. It would bleed, swell and I would keep doing it because the pain felt good. I never understood why I did it, but it was obsessive behavior. I don't remember what caused the initial irritation that lead to my poking at it, but it was always around my molars when it happened. I have thought about it over the years and will often push on my gums with my finger pad to see if they are sore or swollen. My teeth sometimes shift and I will try to pry them apart if they get too close to each other and cause discomfort. But I haven't had the gum poking issue since childhood (I'm 41), UNTIL now. I am going on several days of soreness that all day long I find myself sticking my nail straight into it. I will kinda prod around until I hit a spot that "hurts so good". It swells and bleeds further and I just keep going until the satisfaction starts to fade. Then I regret it, try to leave it alone, brush my teeth, rinse with salt water, gargle listerine, and try to clean it out and hope that it heals. BUT a few hours go by and the sensation comes back where I feel like I need to check on it. Then the check on it turns into poking it with my sharp finger nail again. The current gum effected is a molar and one that was crowned when I was 16. All sides around it are red and inflamed. The gum is so swollen it's down between teeth much further than it should be. But almost the entire area feels good to be poked sharply. I have been brushing and flossing extra that now other areas of my gums are a little irritated and I worry I will start poking those too. It hurts to eat and spices irritate it and it doesn't feel good. It only feels good when I poke it myself. I want it to stop, but it's clearly and obsessive and destructive behavior that I don't know how to stop once it starts. I went a good 20 years of not doing it too.
Have same feeling. Linked to TMJ for me.
Hehe �� i kno am naat aloooneee
Must. Resist. The URGE!!!
I am almost 40 and have been picking my gums since I was a little girl. It's orgasmic at times for sure. It definitely goes hand in hand with my ocd and anxiety.
I also push fingernails through my gums. I have been doing it since I was 4 years old.I have done this a lot of ways. My dad was a florist when i was growing up so that meant plenty of wire, picks,pins along with my fingernails to poke and prod at my gums. I have done mostly everything on this forum. I would love to know whats our common thread. We should create a website or database for this. It feels sooo good to poke and prod at the gums. My favorite spot is the bottom teeth next to the middle. I really wish we could have a convention or something. I can never catch anyone else doing it.
my favourite place to prod is the weird bit of gum behind my top middle two teeth- the incisive papilla! (has to google that haha) i love to poke and prod at it with a toothpick until it’s swollen. unlike any feeling i’ve ever felt...
Hahah I laughed at the end, you never catch others.. so true.. I feel like I’ve been seen from time to time..wonder what it makes people think besides that you have something in your teeth. One of my best friends did this mostly as a kid and he had definite space between each of his teeth by age 20.wasnt a bad thing..(never saw him do it though lol) currently poking with a bent coffee stirrer in the privacy of my offfice at wrk. It’s my daily weapon of choice.
I can’t believe I’m admitting this to anyone.
I didnt know where to start with this. I have bipolar disorder as well, and i tend to inflict pain on myself. I floss and scrape the area where teeth meets gum. Then i brush and make sure to focus again were teeth meets gum. Ive been doing this sense i was 11, im a chronic nail bitter. I stick thick pieces of plastic inbetween my really tightly close teeth. I need to stop im only 20 lol
I found my people
I do this and I have fibromyalgia. Seems interesting that a few others have mentioned that they have fibro as well.
I've absolutely destroyed my gums doing this. It's an addiction I simply can't beat. It just feels too good. Currently rubbing a sharp piece of plastic into my gums. Its almost orgasmic.
I just love the way it feels and i poked my gums today until they bled weird.
Picking your gums actually messes them up it may feel good but your messing up ur teeth
Literally just started gum prodding again over the past couple of days. I think for me its a stress/anxiety induced habit. I used to do it as a kid while growing up a lot more often and then just seemed to stop as I got older. But, its back, at the prime age of 27. And, it feels great.
Wow, I apply pressure on the gums between my teeth with my nails. I also do the same thing with my nai cuticles, I push them against the nail, which is kind of painful and hardens the sides of my nail.
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Thank nigga u the only one who gave a solution
I do the exact same thing with my finger nails. I focus on both sides of my bottom front teeth. I try to get bigger and bigger pieces to go all the way through and kinda rake at the gym. I want it to hurt so bad lol sometimes I go to far and sit there like holy crap that hurt. Love sticking my nails into those gums
Ditto. Love the endorphins, addicted to the pain!
I also take the side of like a business card and rub and rub the sore gums like in a side to side motion and the gum recedes. I don’t want to stop. I’m so bored and lonely and it brings so much pleasure. I’ve also lost weight because I don’t want to do anything else and some things doesn’t feel good to eat. My people!!!!
I twirl my hair and poke between my gums only in two places that are symmetrical on each side! I now have jaw bone loss only is those places :( it’s so difficult to stop this! I also take my nails and push down on the side of my thumb nails with ny pinky nails at the same time in each hand.
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