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Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Pride Progress Flag

Pride Progress flag

The LGBT Progress Flag is a symbol that represents the LGBTQ+ community and the ongoing fight for equality and inclusion. This flag builds upon the traditional rainbow flag, adding elements to highlight marginalized groups within the LGBTQ+ community. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the flag’s design and significance:

Traditional Rainbow Flag

The base of the LGBT Progress Flag is the traditional rainbow flag, which was originally designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978. Each color of the rainbow flag holds a specific meaning:

Red: Life
Orange: Healing
Yellow: Sunlight
Green: Nature
Blue: Serenity
Violet: Spirit

Additional Elements in the Progress Flag

The LGBT Progress Flag was designed by Daniel Quasar in 2018. Quasar’s design adds a chevron on the left side of the flag that includes additional colors. This chevron points to the right, symbolizing forward movement and progress, while its position along the hoist edge reflects that progress still needs to be made. Here are the added elements:

Black and Brown Stripes:

Black: Represents the marginalized LGBTQ+ communities of color, specifically Black and Brown individuals.
Brown: Also represents LGBTQ+ people of color, acknowledging their struggle and contributions.

Pink, Light Blue, and White Stripes, Yellow Triangle with Purple Circle:

Pink: Represents the trans community.
Light Blue: Also represents the trans community, reflecting the traditional colors of the transgender pride flag.
White: Represents nonbinary, genderqueer, and those who are gender non-conforming.
Yellow with circle: Represents the intersex


Chevron Shape: The arrow-like chevron signifies progress and moving forward.
Placement of Colors: By placing the additional stripes in the shape of an arrow along the hoist side (left side), it ensures that these marginalized groups are brought to the forefront of the conversation. The design serves as a reminder that while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done, particularly for people of color and trans individuals within the LGBTQ+ community.


The LGBT Progress Flag aims to be more inclusive and intersectional, addressing the unique struggles faced by people of color and the trans community within the broader LGBTQ+ movement. It serves as a visual reminder of the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community and the importance of intersectionality in the fight for equality and justice.

Adoption and Usage

The Progress Flag has been widely adopted by various LGBTQ+ organizations, pride events, and individuals who want to emphasize the need for inclusivity and the recognition of all members of the community. It has been used in parades, marches, and other LGBTQ+ related events globally, symbolizing a commitment to advancing the rights and acceptance of all LGBTQ+ people.

In summary, the LGBT Progress Flag is a powerful symbol that not only honours the original rainbow flag but also highlights the ongoing need to address and include the voices and experiences of marginalized groups within the LGBTQ+ community.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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