
Disclaimer: The Wizard of 'OZ' makes no money from 'OZ' - The 'Other' Side of the Rainbow. 'OZ' is 100 % paid ad-free

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"I'm winning!"

Blonde  using pop machine
A man is driving down the street looking for a drink machine. He finally spots one and pulls over. He gets out of his truck and waits patiently as a beautiful blonde is already using the drink machine.

The blonde puts 50 cents in the slot, presses the button and a drink pops out.

She inserts another 50 cents in the machine, presses the button and a drink pops out.

She does this several times.

The man, being in a bit of a hurry, says to the blonde

“Excuse me ma'am. May I use this machine?”

The blonde says “Are you crazy? I'm winning!!”

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