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Thursday, June 01, 2023

June's Colours

June's Colours

Purple Feet

June, oh June, the month of summer's grace
When nature blooms and flowers show their face
The warmth of sun and gentle breeze doth bring
A sense of joy and hope for everything

The world awakens from its winter's sleep
And colours burst forth, in shades so deep
The trees sway gently, in the breeze's call
As birds sing sweetly, inviting us all

The days stretch long, and nights grow short
The sun lingers, refusing to abort
Its warmth and light, upon the earth below
As people bask, in summer's golden glow

Oh June, you bring with you a magic spell
That makes all hearts and souls to swell
With joy and peace, and love for all
And in your embrace, we stand so tall

So let us cherish, each moment of June
For it is a gift, a precious boon
That fills our hearts, with love and light
And makes our world, a more beautiful sight.

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