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Friday, May 05, 2023

The 411 - The First Timepiece


411The first timepiece ever created was the sundial, which dates back to ancient times. It was likely invented in ancient Egypt around 1500 BC and then spread throughout the world.

The sundial's function was to tell time using the position of the sun. It consisted of a flat surface with a raised arm or stick, called a gnomon, that cast a shadow onto the surface. As the sun moved across the sky, the shadow would move, indicating the time of day.

The sundial's operation is based on the fact that the sun's position changes in a predictable way throughout the day. The gnomon's height and angle were designed to align with the earth's axis and the sun's path, allowing the shadow to move in a predictable pattern. The sundial was calibrated to the local latitude, so it could accurately tell time in a specific location.

However, the sundial has limitations, as it only works when the sun is visible and is affected by weather and seasonal changes. Despite this, the sundial remained the primary timekeeping device for centuries, until the invention of mechanical clocks in the 14th century.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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