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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Let me Google that for you.

1. Many vocalists use this technique to sing harmony with themselves or add additional layers of sound when recording. What is the name of this method that can be done numerous times to create a chorus effect as well as add a key element missing during the initial recording?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

The key idea here is “sing harmony with themselves,” or recording and rerecording multiple times. A search in the Google search bar for [sing harmony with themselves] will show results that use the word overdubbing in the title. Searching [define: overdubbing] will give you an exact definition of _________ and confirm that it’s the answer.

2. You’re on Innsdale Drive in California. You drive to a T in the road and look up to your left. What do you see?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Search [Innsdale Drive California] on Google Maps. Go to the end of the street, where it intersects with Canyon Lake Drive, and drop into Street View. On the left you will see the famous ____________ ______.

3. A particular planet’s slow retrograde rotation results in the solar system’s longest day. How many Earth days equal one day there?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [planet retrograde rotation] to find Venus and Uranus. Compare [Venus day length] to [Uranus day length] and discover that one day on Venus is ____ ______ ____ (or ________ hours), while a Uranus day is only 17.9 hours long.

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