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Sunday, March 10, 2019

"All in the Family" - An Idiom Quiz

Idiom Quiz

Oh brother. Idioms containing kinship terms are so well-known, they're really child's play. Are you ready for the mother of all quizzes on familial expressions? Here are some phrases and other English language sayings that keep it all in the family.

1. If you wish to indicate that you are not responsible for the actions of your fellow man, or not aware of his whereabouts, you might say that you're not your brother's what?


2. When you want someone to say nothing and not divulge a secret, which member of your nuclear family would you want them to be "keeping", or invoke as "the word"?


3. Which familial term describes a person who is known for doling out advice about personal problems, usually in the form of a regular advice column?

Suffering sister
Agony aunt
Distressed mom
Worrying dad

4. This saying has inspired countless writers and creators of novels, comic books, TV shows, films, songs and video games, running the gamut from a song by Usher to a non-fiction work about Joseph P. Kennedy. According to the proverb, which acts committed by the father are supposedly visited on the son?


5. If you want to express disbelief over the chances of something occurring, or surprise at an unlikely turn of events, which of these unconventional relationships might you invoke?

A monkey's uncle
A horse's grandmother
A giraffe's daughter
A penguin's cousin

6. Which family member is evoked when a contract or piece of legislation allows a person to enjoy an accrued right or continue to carry out an activity, despite a change in law or policy that would prohibit such behavior?


7. When a family welcomes someone back in the fold who previously turned his back on them but has since learnt the error of his ways, what kind of son might be said to be returning?


8. Which familial relationship is invoked to indicate the ease at which something can be accomplished, or the likelihood of success of a venture? The phrase is more common throughout the UK and the Commonwealth.

Valerie's your wife
Arthur's your son
Bob's your uncle
Sybil's your daughter

9. If you are partial to traditional beliefs or stories passed down through the generations that are probably untrue despite their ubiquity, whose tales are you likely to be advocating?

Old husbands'
Young children's
Young widows'
Old wives'

10. When you try to offer advice or instruction to someone who is older or more experienced, which family member could you be accused of teaching how to suck eggs?

First cousin

Click here for the answers!

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