1. I probably didn’t invent the beef fillet baked in puff pastry that shares my name. But I am responsible for an article of clothing. What is it?
One way to find the answer:
Go to Google and search [beef fillet baked in puff pastry] to find that this is Beef Wellington. The dish is said to be named after Arthur Wellesley, the British military hero and first Duke of Wellington. Search [Wellington article of clothing] to find that today’s ______________ _______, also known as rubber boots, are based on a military boot that the duke designed.
2. The Bayeux Tapestry depicts a visit from a celestial body that was considered a bad omen in medieval times. In what year did this “apparition” next appear?
One way to find the answer:
Go to Google and search [Bayeaux Tapestry celestial body] to find that Halley’s Comet visited in 1066, the year of the Battle of Hastings. Search [Halley’s Comet appearances] to learn that it next appeared in _______.
3. From the Greek word meaning agreement or concord, this musical term defines the quality of sound made as musicians simultaneously blend sounds of different pitch, tone, or quality.
Go to Google and search for [musical agreement concord simultaneous] and find that the term ________ describes the sound made when multiple musicians play together in concord.
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