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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Coming Out Of The Closet

Coming out of the closet

By Ramon Johnson, About.com Guide

Our family and friends mean the world to us and sometimes are our world. When we're in the closet, those relationships can seem so fragile, especially when we're not sure what their reaction will be to our sexual identity. The fear of rejection is very real. No one wants to lose loved ones, so coming out of the closet may not seem worth the risk.

Oftentimes, we focus so much on what we may lose by coming out that we forget about what we may gain: Openness and freedom to finally express ourselves openly. Many out gay men can attest that coming out was worth the risk.

Come Out Tips
Getting Ready To Come Out
Family and Friends
Coming Out Stories
Wives and Girlfriends
Coming Out To Your Doctor
When Your Kids Come Out
When Your Husband is Gay

Find all these and more at LiveAbout.com

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