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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9/11: A Tragic Day Remembered

WTC Remebrance

Oh, fateful morn, September's sky so bright,
When terror's shadow cast its dreadful blight,
The world awoke to horrors unforeseen,
On that dark day of anguish and routine.

Innocent lives, a multitude betrayed,
In fire and ash, they vanished, unafraid,
Twin towers fell, where dreams once reached the sky,
And tears of grief fell from a nation's eye.

Pentagon's walls bore witness to the flame,
As heroes rose, and courage had no name,
In skies above, Flight 93's brave stand,
Showed love's defiance over terror's hand.

In smoky ruins, shattered hearts did grieve,
But from the ashes, hope began to weave,
A tapestry of unity and grace,
A nation's spirit, in that mournful place.

In every face, a story to be told,
Of lives so precious, stolen, young and old,
Yet through the pain, resilience found its way,
And strength emerged, a brighter, hopeful day.

We pledge to honour those we've lost, we vow,
Their memory lives, eternal, here and now,
Their legacy, a beacon in the night,
To stand for love and freedom's sacred light.

In this ode to 9/11, we shall not forget,
The sacrifice, the courage, and the debt,
We'll keep their memories in our hearts enshrined,
For in their tragic loss, we're all entwined.
Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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