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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The writing's on the stall

Bathroom Grafitti

Here are 50 examples of writings commonly found on the walls in public bathrooms. Please note that some of these may contain humour, graffiti, or other forms of expression, and they may not always be suitable for all audiences:
  1. "For a good time, call [phone number]."
  2. "Flush twice. It's a long way to the kitchen."
  3. "Life's a journey, not a race. Enjoy the bathroom break."
  4. "Don't worry, you're not alone. We all poop."
  5. "If you can read this, you're peeing too close."
  6. "I was here."
  7. "Wash your hands, you filthy animal!"
  8. "You are beautiful!"
  9. "Smile, you're on camera."
  10. "How's the toilet paper situation?"
  11. "In case of emergency, break glass for toilet paper."
  12. "This stall is haunted."
  13. "Caution: May contain traces of glitter."
  14. "You are loved."
  15. "I left a treasure in the toilet."
  16. "The meaning of life is written on this wall."
  17. "Free advice: Trust a fart, never a fart trust."
  18. "I came for the gossip, stayed for the handwashing."
  19. "Don't look up, you're being watched."
  20. "Toilet paper for sale: $1 million per square."
  21. "For a clean getaway, press here."
  22. "Why so serious?"
  23. "Flush if you love the environment."
  24. "This is where ideas are born."
  25. "It was better in the '90s."
  26. "The Wi-Fi password is [password]."
  27. "Leave only footprints."
  28. "Life's too short to be constipated."
  29. "Why are you looking at the wall? Look down! The joke is in your hand!"
  30. "Graffiti is illegal. So is peeing here."
  31. "Keep it clean, folks."
  32. "E=mc^2 – Einstein was here." Very nice Albert - next time show your work.
  33. "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie."
  34. "This is not your diary."
  35. "Reality called. It wants you back."
  36. "Flush responsibly."
  37. "Be kind, even to restroom walls."
  38. "Don't take life too seriously; nobody gets out alive."
  39. "Don't forget to wash your hands, you savage."
  40. "Someone loves you more than you know."
  41. "I can't believe you read this far down."
  42. "This graffiti was pre-approved."
  43. "Bathroom philosopher was here."
  44. "Cleanliness is next to godliness."
  45. "Laugh now, but one day you'll be the subject of bathroom graffiti."
  46. "All you need is love."
  47. "You're awesome. Never forget it."
  48. "Flush your problems away."
  49. "Toilet paper dispenser is empty again. Classic."
  50. "The best view comes after the hardest climb."

Please remember that vandalism or inappropriate graffiti is discouraged, and it's always best to keep public restrooms clean and respectful.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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