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Saturday, July 06, 2024

What I would change in Linux if I could

Improving sleep and hibernation. This is a really weak area for Linux.

Sleep/hibernation in Computers

Linux is highly regarded for its security, flexibility, and performance. However, one area that has traditionally lagged behind Windows and macOS is power management, specifically sleep and hibernation functionality. Addressing this issue could significantly improve the overall user experience, making Linux more appealing to a broader audience. In this essay, we will explore the current state of sleep and hibernation in Linux, the challenges associated with it, and potential improvements. Additionally, we will compare these features with those in Windows and macOS to highlight where Linux can improve.

Current State of Sleep and Hibernation in Linux

Sleep (suspend) and hibernation are essential features for conserving power and improving usability on laptops and other portable devices. Sleep mode saves the current session to RAM, allowing for a quick resume, while hibernation saves the session to disk, enabling the system to power down completely and resume later without data loss.

In Linux, these features have historically been inconsistent across different hardware configurations and distributions. While many users experience reliable sleep and hibernation, others encounter issues such as:

  1. Hardware Compatibility: Not all hardware components are fully supported by Linux's power management system, leading to problems like failed resumes or excessive power consumption during sleep.

  2. Driver Support: Proprietary drivers, especially for graphics cards, often cause issues with sleep and hibernation. The open-source community works hard to address these problems, but vendor support is sometimes lacking.

  3. Configuration Complexity: Setting up and troubleshooting sleep and hibernation can be complex, requiring users to edit system files or adjust kernel parameters. This can be daunting for less technical users.

Comparison with Windows and macOS

Windows and macOS generally offer more reliable sleep and hibernation out-of-the-box, thanks to extensive hardware support and close integration with manufacturers. Let's compare the three systems:

  1. Windows: Known for its broad hardware compatibility, Windows typically handles sleep and hibernation well on a wide range of devices. The extensive driver support from hardware manufacturers ensures that most components work seamlessly. Windows also offers hybrid sleep, combining the benefits of sleep and hibernation, enhancing reliability and speed.

  2. macOS: Apple's tight control over hardware and software results in a highly optimized power management system. macOS devices, such as MacBooks, have excellent sleep and hibernation performance, with features like Power Nap allowing background tasks to run during sleep without fully waking the system.

  3. Linux: While the open-source community has made significant strides in improving power management, Linux still falls short in terms of consistency and reliability. Issues with hardware compatibility and driver support are more prevalent, and user intervention is often required to achieve optimal performance.

Potential Improvements for Linux

To bring Linux's sleep and hibernation capabilities on par with Windows and macOS, several key improvements could be made:

  1. Enhanced Hardware Support: Increasing collaboration between the Linux community and hardware manufacturers could lead to better driver support and improved power management. Encouraging vendors to release open-source drivers or provide detailed documentation would be beneficial.

  2. Unified Power Management Framework: Developing a more unified and streamlined power management framework within the Linux kernel could simplify the implementation and troubleshooting of sleep and hibernation features. Projects like TLP and powertop already help optimize power usage, but a more integrated solution would be ideal.

  3. Improved User Experience: Simplifying the configuration and troubleshooting process for sleep and hibernation would make these features more accessible to non-technical users. User-friendly tools and graphical interfaces could help manage power settings without requiring command-line intervention.

  4. Community and Vendor Collaboration: Strengthening the relationship between the open-source community and hardware vendors could lead to better support and quicker resolution of power management issues. Collaborative efforts, such as the Linux Vendor Firmware Service (LVFS), have shown promise in improving firmware updates and support.

  5. Better Documentation and Support: Comprehensive and easily accessible documentation can help users understand and troubleshoot sleep and hibernation issues. Improved community support forums and resources would also be valuable.


While Linux excels in many areas, improving its sleep and hibernation functionality could significantly enhance the user experience, particularly for laptop users. By focusing on better hardware support, developing a unified power management framework, simplifying user interaction, and fostering collaboration between the community and vendors, Linux can close the gap with Windows and macOS in this critical aspect. These improvements would make Linux a more attractive choice for a broader audience, cementing its position as a versatile and powerful operating system.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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