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Thursday, June 20, 2024

The king and his dogs

wild dogs

A king had ten wild dogs. When a servant made a mistake, he threw it to the dogs to eat.

Then one of the older servants did something wrong. The king ordered him to be thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, "I have served you for ten years, can you give me ten days before you throw me to the dogs?" The king granted them to him.

When he was in prison, the servant told the guard that he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days.

The guard agreed and the maid was able to feed the dogs, clean the kennel and wash them gently.

After ten days, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs as punishment. When he was released into the kennel, everyone was amazed to see only the ravenous dogs licking the servant's feet!

The king, perplexed by what he saw, said:

"What happened to my dogs?"

The servant replied, "I served the dogs only ten days and they did not forget my services. I served you for ten years and you forgot everything at my first mistake."

The king realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be reinstated."

Dedicated to all those who forget a beautiful word: "GRATITUDE". They forget the good things a person has done, and as soon as he makes a mistake, they condemn him.

We can always see the best in others and look at our own mistakes instead.
Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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