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Thursday, May 30, 2024

And then there's Maude

Pale girl
In a remote village nestled amidst ancient woods, there lived a little girl named Maude. She was an enigmatic child, with pale skin and dark, penetrating eyes that seemed to hold secrets beyond her tender years. The villagers spoke of her as if she were not of this world, suggesting that she came from the ethereal realm beyond the veil.

Maude rarely ventured out to play with the other children, preferring to wander alone among the misty trees that surrounded the village. She seemed drawn to the eerie, whispering winds that carried voices from the depths of the unknown. The villagers couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of unease whenever they crossed paths with Maude.

One night, as the moon hung low and the stars shimmered in the dark sky, a villager claimed to have witnessed something truly chilling. He had been walking near the edge of the woods when he saw Maude standing in a clearing, her eyes reflecting the pale light like an otherworldly glow.

Next to her stood shadowy figures, tall and ominous, emerging from the depths of the woods. They were faceless and featureless, shrouded in darkness, yet they seemed to communicate with Maude through an eerie telepathy. The villager couldn't bear to watch any longer and ran back to the safety of the village, his heart pounding in terror.

Rumors spread like wildfire, and the villagers began to avoid Maude and the woods altogether. But as days turned into weeks, a strange and unsettling occurrence haunted the village. People began to disappear, one by one, without a trace or a clue as to their whereabouts.

In the darkness of the night, faint echoes of laughter and whispers could be heard from the depths of the woods. Some believed it was the villagers' tormented souls, forever lost in the eerie grasp of the ether.

As fear took hold of the village, a brave few decided to confront the mysterious girl and the malevolent forces that seemed to surround her. They ventured into the woods, guided only by a strange, ethereal light that flickered like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Deeper they went, until they reached the clearing where Maude had been seen. There, they found her, standing alone and seemingly innocent. But as they approached, her eyes locked onto theirs with an intense gaze that sent shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, the shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, surrounding the group. The air grew cold, and the woods fell silent as the figures closed in. The villagers tried to flee, but an invisible force held them in place, paralyzed with fear.

In the end, the villagers vanished without a trace, swallowed by the ether, leaving no evidence of their existence. The village became a forsaken place, haunted by the memories of those who had vanished and the enigmatic little girl named Maude.

To this day, the woods are said to be haunted by the echoes of that night, and the chilling tale of Maude, the little girl from the ether, is whispered among those brave enough to venture near. But few dare to go near the village, for fear that they too might become lost in the grasp of the eerie and malevolent forces that linger in the depths of the woods.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model


Gail said...

A good and creepy story, Wizard. Well done!

The Wizard of 'OZ' said...

Glad you like it! Don't forget to send me the latest Ophelia of yours