
Disclaimer: The Wizard of 'OZ' makes no money from 'OZ' - The 'Other' Side of the Rainbow. 'OZ' is 100 % paid ad-free

Sunday, April 09, 2023


There was a young woman named Laura. She had just graduated from college and was eager to start her new job as a marketing executive at a prestigious company.

On her first day, Laura was given a special assignment: she was to come up with a viral marketing campaign for a new product that the company was launching. Laura was excited and immediately got to work.

Over the next few weeks, Laura worked tirelessly on the campaign. She brainstormed ideas, wrote scripts, and even hired a team of actors to star in the promotional videos.

Finally, the day arrived when the campaign was set to launch. The company had rented out a large conference hall and invited hundreds of reporters, investors, and industry insiders to attend the event.

As Laura watched nervously from the back of the room, the lights dimmed and the first video began to play. It was a funny and engaging clip that showcased the product in a unique and exciting way.

The audience loved it and erupted into applause. Laura breathed a sigh of relief and settled back in her chair, feeling proud of herself and her team.

But then something strange happened. As the second video began to play, Laura noticed that the actors looked familiar. In fact, they looked exactly like the people who worked in her office.

Confused, Laura leaned forward and listened closely to the dialogue. It was then that she realized that the actors were not reciting the scripted lines that she had written. Instead, they were talking about their real-life experiences working at the company.

Laura felt her heart sink as she realized what was happening. The company had hired a group of actors to pretend to be her team and had created a fake marketing campaign to make it seem like they were launching a new product.

The entire thing had been a set-up, and Laura had been played for a fool.

Feeling embarrassed and angry, Laura stormed out of the conference hall and went straight to her boss's office. She demanded an explanation, but instead of being met with sympathy, she was met with laughter.

It turned out that the whole thing had been a prank, orchestrated by her colleagues to welcome her to the company. They had all been in on it, and they had all been waiting for her to figure it out.

At first, Laura was furious. But then she realized that she had been part of something special. Her colleagues had gone to great lengths to welcome her to the team!

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