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Thursday, April 20, 2023

April Showers...


April showers bring May flowers

"April showers bring May flowers" is a short and simple poem that is often used to describe the arrival of spring. The poem is believed to have originated as a proverb or folk saying, and has been attributed to several different authors over the years.

The poem goes:

"April showers bring May flowers, 

That is what they say. 

But if all the showers turned to flowers, 

We'd have quite a colourful day!"

The poem highlights the idea that the rainy weather of April is necessary to bring about the beauty of spring, as the rain helps to nourish the plants and flowers that will bloom in May. The final line of the poem also adds a playful twist, imagining a world where rain showers actually turned into flowers, creating a vivid and colourful landscape.

The poem celebrates the cycle of nature and the arrival of spring, reminding us that even the rainy days can lead to something beautiful and inspiring.

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