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Saturday, February 25, 2023

Why do people really bash Windows?

Old picture of Bill Gates holding BSOD

It's a hot topic in my opinion so let me recap. Comment away.

Why does everyone "bash" Windows? I could sit here and bash linux, windows, macOS and anything else, but that is just pointless and pedantic.

The point is every operating system has it uses. You just need to choose what best suits your needs.

Anyone who claims to hate Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS or any other operating system is not a true techie or network guru. You don't ever bash the OS, in fact if the OS crashes then it's your fault not the OS; Why didn't you make sure that it was using the right drivers, or the hardware is compatible or blah this and blah that, and so the list goes.

Any OS crashes for a reason, not because it just feels like it. Compatability is there for a very good reason, why support something that is old when you need to keep moving forward. Example, all leaded gas car owners here in Canada can no longer purchase leaded gas, they are forced now to use unleaded and an additive.


Because those cars are so old and they are few and far between now because unleaded cars are cheap enough to buy second hand as your first car.

Get my point there?

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