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Sunday, August 07, 2022

The Wizard has switched from Ubuntu to Ubuntu MATE

The Wizard's Ubuntu MATE Desktop
This is the desktop of Ubuntu MATE with Mac OS type theme

This is Ubuntu MATE (Ooh-boon-tu mah-tay). It uses an earlier reiteration of Gnome (Guh-nome) Desktop Environment. Kind of old school, but my regular Ubuntu was having some issues. So what you are seeing is a very close proximal similarity between MATE and Gnome. I was able to change my desktop to another version of a desktop environment and I like it even better than regular Ubuntu. Its more compact, traditional (amongst Linux (Lin-uh-ks) users), and faster than Ubuntu. I think Linux desktops are so beautiful and functional. Even though it looks familiar to the Gnome desktop I've published before it acts very different.The Menu icon at the top left is similar to the Windows Start Menu, where all the applications can be found. There are a whole lot of ways to customize your MATE desktop. The Wizard uses a mac type OS theme one of like a gazillion available for free on the internet! The customizations available are infinite. Do like something? Change it. Like more of something, add it to Ubuntu MATE! 

There are several official variations of Ubuntu out there which are based upon it. Like I said, I use Ubuntu MATE. The others currently are: Kubuntu (uses KDE desktop), Xubuntu (uses Xfce desktop), Lubuntu (uses LXQT, for really old hardware!), Ubuntu Budgie and Ubuntu Studio (for musically and artistic types). I'm not gonna post about these variants, but you can find more information and read up on some of them here.

You can download Ubuntu MATE here. It's free and extremely stable-- more stable than Windows. I know you know that I am pro-Linux, but I would not recommend something I don't believe in. And it's 100% free to use. Comes with an entire office suite (Libre-Office), graphic manipulation applications, and a software catalog filled with free and useful applications at your beck and call.

The Wizard's Ubuntu MATE desktop
This is the desktop of Ubuntu MATE with Mac OS type theme

Ditch software fees today and try Ubuntu MATE or another 'flavour' of Ubuntu. You won't regret it. The Wizard has been using Ubuntu Linux for more than 10 years. While you don't have to, you can make a donation for the 1000's of developers creating Linux in their own free time. Ubuntu MATE and Linux are open-source, meaning that the code behind them is available to be modified at no charge. Bug fixes and or security updates come easily and quickly, keeping your operating system fully patched in days and not weeks like Microsoft and Apple computers. This is because Linux is open source and everything comes under the scrutiny of many people, far more than a paid solution from Redmond or Cupertino. 

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