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Friday, October 16, 2020

UNTIL . . .

Shocking? For Who??? Until we're considered equal, and not simply 'tolerated'. Until our youth aren't forced to leave home for the streets. Until our partners are welcome at all family, social and workplace events. Until the police are there to protect us not harass us. Until sex trade workers are not seen as criminals. Until our children see our families reflected in school curriculum and story books. Until our differences and our cultures are celebrated not denied. Until it's safe to come out at work. Until it's safe to come out at school.
Presumed Heterosexual Pamphlet. Click here.
(click above to download the pamphlet. It's a PDF)
Until hospitals, banks, travel agents, and insurance companies see us as people not problems or profits. Until we're not stereotyped into certain jobs or denied others. Until parents aren't freaked out by having lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender children. Until we don't have to justify, explain and expose our private lives. Until harassment at work stops. Until our streets are safe for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. Until religions open their doors to our celebrations and expressions of faith. Until we can express our gender without fear of reprisal or ridicule. Until gender stereotyping stops and we are all free to be wholly human. Until the cure for homophobia is discovered. Until we can love and be loved, with joy and gay abandon. homophobia

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