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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Top 10 silly questions people ask when they find out I’m pregnant with our 10th child

The Shilling Family

from Bobby 2010 for Congress | Christie's blog

10. “Oh my god, are you joking?” Why would I joke about this?

9. “How many? WOW! Are you sure?” Pretty sure…At least the last time I counted them there was 9 and this one is #10, unless there is two in there. (LOL)

8. “Do you have a TV?” I always thought that this was a strange response to finding out that we were having another baby.

7. “How can you handle all those children?” They do eventually walk, clothe, feed, read, study, work, and take care of themselves. Besides they are so cute I don’t mind taking care of them. Not only do they take care of themselves but they take care of each other and help me with laundry, shopping, errands…etc.

6. “Do you home school?” Sorry…not that brave!

5. “Are you Catholic or Mormon?” Yes, I am Catholic…(?)…You know there is a conspiracy that Catholics are trying to take over the world.

4. ‘Are you going to have more? or Is this it?” Well… I know I am going to have this one!

3. “How can you afford all those children?” We eat a lot of Pizza! LOL! Half of them work for their shoes. We do what we can and they do the rest. See #7. Terry worked and payed his own way through college and graduated with 3.17 gpa with a bachelors in Political Science. All of us are so proud of him. I take no credit for this! All my children are incredibly independent. Sam (4) just learned to make his own peanut butter sandwich and he is so proud of himself.

2. “What are you trying to do, take over the world?” Yes, see #5.

1. And the #1 question was actually asked by my OBGYN. “How do you do it?” We both laughed and then she added “Well, I know how you do it.” Actually the response has been overwhelmingly positive, with “Congratulations!” and “Way to go!” My children are always asking me “Mom when are you going to have another baby?” They were elated and now it is a battle of the sexes. Of course the girls want to even the score with another girl and the boys want to dominate with a 6-4 lead. I just tell the boys no matter what, girls rule!

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