
Disclaimer: The Wizard of 'OZ' makes no money from 'OZ' - The 'Other' Side of the Rainbow. 'OZ' is 100 % paid ad-free

Tuesday, March 03, 2020


By Gail Fulkerson

Open the door in the hallway,
The one with the creaking hinges,
And make your way
Down the old wooden stairs
To the basement.
Search for the secret door
That hides the ancient set of stairs,
Carved in prehistoric stone.

Light the torch that perches within
A rusted iron stanchion on the wall.
Illuminate the path ahead
That ultimately leads to your redemption
And final sacrifice.

Like the mythical Hercules,
You were given twelve labours,
Each one more challenging
Than the last.
You have toiled mightily,
Never sure if you’ll make it to the end.
This is your twelfth and final labour;
If you are successful,
You will have proven your worth
And redemption will be yours.
If you fail, your worst fears
Shall be visited upon you.

Standing at the precipice,
It dawns on you that
The final payment must be made
Before you can receive your hard-won redemption:
You must hand over your life.
The One Who Demands It will accept nothing less.

Blindfolded and gagged,
Someone pushes you over the edge.
No one but you can hear your screams
As you plunge headlong into the abyss.

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