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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Let me Google that for you.

1. A daisy with 89 petals is an example of a particular mathematical series of numbers. Starting with zero, what is the eleventh number in the series?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [daisy 89 petals series] to find it demonstrates the Fibonacci series. Search [Fibonacci series] and read to learn that you add the two preceding numbers to get the next number in the series. Read further to find that the eleventh number is ____.

2. Three days after the birth of the man who was the first to see the rings of Saturn, a famous artist died. Who was that artist?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [first man to see rings of Saturn] and learn that it was Galileo. Search [Galileo birthday] and find it was February 15, 1564. Search [famous artist died February 18, 1564] and discover that was the date of ____'s death.

3. In the only nation whose flag is a double pennant, polo is played differently than you’d expect. What do the players do?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [double pennant flag] to find that this is the shape of the flag of Nepal. Search [Nepal polo] to learn that the players ____ ____

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