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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pizza Poser

What is the easiest way to cut a pizza into 11 equal slices?

A guy was working as a pizza cook in high-school and some joker ordered a pizza with specific instructions to cut it into 11 equal slices. It took them three pizzas to get it right, and even then He was not sure how they did it. 

Assuming you didn't have a protractor or other measurement device unlikely to be found in a kitchen, how would you accomplish this?

Spinning pizza

1. Take a wrist watch.

2. Position the watch hands to noon and put in the center of pizza

3. Cut in the direction of watch hands

4. Advance the watch until next overlapping of its hands

Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all pieces are sliced

You will get 11 equal pieces.

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