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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Some thoughts on why you don't NEED Windows 8

1. METRO - 1/2 of Windows 8. It is for tablet computing - if you don't have a tablet, not worth changing.

2. Desktop - The other 1/2 of Windows 8 desktop is an app in METRO. Looks and feels the same as windows 7. Accessing the 'desktop' is more complicated than Windows 7 as you need to go back to METRO to make changes.

3. Microsoft will control, the applications for METRO. From The Microsoft Store. You can download any app for the desktop, so the difference is not noticeable from Windows 7. Windows has been following a "second release is better" history: Windows 95 - Good version Windows 98 - an ok version, basically an update to Windows 95 Windows NT/2000 - Good version Windows Me - an ok version, basically an update to Windows 98 Windows XP - Good version Windows VISTA - trouble from get go. Windows 7 - Outstanding - the "new" XP Windows 8 - ?

The above is just my opinions. But if you like to be on the leading edge (including helping Microsoft work the bugs out for an OS that you paid to use (which I did with Vista) , by all means upgrade to it. I would wait until I need to update this time - very unusual for me...

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