who built a 30 foot rocket,
The rocket went bang,
his bollock went twang,
and his prick ended up in his pocket

The was an old codger called Rager,
In an accident lost both his nadgers,
But despite the lack,
Of sperm in his sack,
He still enjoyed growling at badgers.

Last week when I went to see Granny,
She showed me her musical fanny,
It played me Beethoven,
Amazed me with Chopin,
And Chopsticks upon the piany.

There once was a woman in a pub
who on her breast had the price of ale
and so to be kind to the blind
she had the same in brail

There was an old man from Harrow
Who tried to have sex with a sparrow.
The sparrow said "No,
You can’t have a go,
As the hole in my arse is too narrow".

There once was a man from Kilcair
Who was doing his wife on the stair
the banister broke while he was mid poke
so he finished her off in the air.

I have a mad uncle called Lexie,
Whose wife Anna was far from sexy,
When he made love to the hag,
He put her head in a bag,
And shagged her big bro’Dexy

There was an alien from Mars
Who abducted a man called Lars
He probed the man’s crack
Then Lars probed him back
Now he hangs out in gay bars

There was an old man from Dass,
Who’s balls were made out of Brass,
In Windy weather,
they clanked together,
and sparks came out of his ass.

**Hey I didn't write em!
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