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Friday, March 12, 2010

Send Earth Hour E-cards Today!

Earth Hour 60 March 27th @ 830PM

Send Earth Hour E-cards Today!

Show your support and help spread the word about Earth Hour by sending your friends and family free personalized eCards. Choose from three great designs.
1. Go to EarthHourCanada.org and pledge to turn out your lights for one hour on March 27, at 8:30 p.m.

2. Send your friends and family an Earth Hour e-card letting them know you are turning out your lights and challenging them to do the same!

Together we can make the lights go out across the country, sending a strong message that now is the time for action on climate change

Get Earth Hour updates on your BlackBerry!Get instant Earth Hour updates on your BlackBerry Smartphone

Now you can get instant Earth Hour updates with WWF-Canada's new application for BlackBerry® smartphones! Get connected and share experiences leading up to and during Earth Hour. Find out in real time how people around the world are celebrating Earth Hour.

As lights go off around the world, the application will bring you global photos from the Sydney Opera House, to the Eiffel Tower, to the Lions Gate Bridge. Get connected to Earth Hour, the world’s largest environmental movement.

Did you know...

• The first scientific article linking the burning of fossil fuels to global warming was published in 1896 by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Svante Arrhenius.

• Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher today than at any time in measurable history.

• More than 80 per cent of global warming gas emissions come from energy production and use.

Find out how WWF is creating solutions to the most serious conservation challenge facing our planet, climate change.

Today’s Tips for making Earth Hour your own!

Here are some tips on how to celebrate Earth Hour:

• Have a romantic candlelit dinner for two.

• Play board games with your family.

• Dance under the stars!

Tips for reducing your ecological footprint!

Wash your clothes in cold water: Did you know that almost 90 per cent of the energy used to wash clothes goes into heating the water! It's easy to switch to cold water and you can save as much as $100 a year by changing to cold wash and rinse. Still not sure? Check out this great video…

Leave the car at home: Whenever possible, walk, ride your bike or take public transit instead of the car. If you do need to drive keep these tips in mind to increase your fuel efficiency:

• Drive smoothly (it can save you 37 per cent on fuel consumption).

• Stick to the speed limit (going 120 km/hr instead of 100 km/hr increases fuel consumption by 20 per cent).

• Keep your tires properly inflated (having just one tire under-inflated by 56 kPa can increase your vehicle's fuel consumption by 4 per cent).

For more tips to on reducing your footprint go to

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