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Friday, April 09, 2010

The Pink Spotlight on Gay Masons

The Pink SpotlightAh... The Order of "Free and Accepted" Masons... 

Can homosexuals be masons? Would you want to be? Lots has been said about the Freemasons, being a 'brotherhood' - how can it be then, that their acceptance of homosexuals have been met with much trepidation? Others call it a 'secret society' and initiations that are shrouded in mystery. 

People say that it is 'secret', even though the entire rituals can be found on the Internet - including the initiations of new candidates and their atitudes towards homosexuals and other marginalized groups. As Rt. Wor. Dryfoos writes: But no matter what anyone might tell you, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the ancient landmarks of Masonry that forbids the membership of gay men. (Underlining is my own, those concerned will know why...) 

And from email correspondence between me and a certain Past Grand Master: "Perhaps it would be prudent to keep this news to yourself; some of the members, may not accept this very well. Don't ask. Don't tell.". Some brethren asked me 'Why I was telling them this?' (that I was homosexual). I guess I should have listened to him (The PGM). 

But I don't like to have to pretend that it doesn't exist, (homophobia). It must, as I can not see another reason that only a few of my brethren have chosen to maintain contact with me when I moved away... No cards for when I was in hospital (for weeks at a time, I could have used a cheerful phone call, email or even a letter from my friends). No inquiries from brother's to find out how I am coping with life. Benevolence from The Lodge and certain members, have kept me in good standing, and that is appreciated, but why do I feel under restraint and unaccepted in and around members of my own Lodge? Is it just me? I may never know. I just wanted the brethren to know who I am, and being gay is part of that. 

And, finally: Masonry was supposed to teach you to drop your own plumbline and build true to that, and to respect the plumbline and the true building of others. Unfortunately, in my experience, not all Masons abide by this teaching. Click below to find out more on the subject.

Gay Masons? Click here.

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