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Monday, January 08, 2024

As a Neo-Pagan, Witch, gay and Roman Catholic, I have to say...

I am unable to take Communion at Church because...

Take your choice of the following as to why not:

* Practicing witch

* Practicing pagan

* Practicing gay

* Practicing Freemason (demitted, but once a mason, always a mason)

* Practicing Roman Catholic (Everything but Communion!)

I think the keyword is "Practicing". The parish priest has no intention of allowing me Communion without my denouncing all the above in Confession. But he has not told me to have a confession... He just keeps Blessing me during Communion. Strange but true, being a freemason is the worst as Catholic men who join Freemasonry are to be excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. 

Witchcraft and Freemasonry

Funny how I was much more accepted for who I am by the freemasons...

What do you think? I am not about to denounce everything just to be able to take Communion.

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