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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ode to March


March, the month of change,
When winter's grip begins to wane,
And springtime's warmth starts to range,
Through fields and forests, hills and plain.

The snows recede, the ice melts away,
The earth awakens from its slumber,
As each new day brings more light and play,
And hope's renewed with every number.

March, the month of balance,
When day and night are equal in length,
And all the world seems to enhance,
In beauty, power, and strength.

The winds blow strong, the storms may rage,
But life persists through all the turmoil,
As trees and flowers bloom on every stage,
And animals stir from their winter coil.

March, the month of green,
When new growth sprouts from every tree,
And grasses blanket the earth's sheen,
In shades of emerald and sea.

The sun climbs higher in the sky,
And spreads its warmth across the land,
As creatures great and small go by,
In search of food, and love, and sand.

March, the month of dance,
When birds return from far and wide,
To mate and nest and take a chance,
On love's sweet call that cannot be denied.

The air is filled with song and chirp,
As feathered creatures flaunt their plume,
And insects buzz and bees do slurp,
On nectar's gift that gives them bloom.

March, the month of change,
When time moves forward, and life's renewed,
And nothing seems too strange,
Or too impossible to be pursued.

So let us welcome March with joy,
And let us sing and dance and play,
For in this month we find our ploy,
To chase our dreams, and live each day.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Beautiful poem! The promise of Spring quickens the blood as the sap rises and the temperatures warm.