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Friday, August 06, 2021

Woman Finds Jesus In MRI Image

 Jesus in an MRI?

(CBS) PITTSBURGH A Pittsburgh woman believes she has found Jesus. Not at a church, but in an MRI of her back.

Rhonda Hodge, of Duquesne, works for a neurologist at Allegheny General Hospital but she doesn't know how to explain the bizarre image that appeared in medical images.

She's had a number of x-rays taken of her spine because of a bulged disc that has caused numbness in her neck and left arm.

But there's one picture that especially caught her attention, and that of her friends and co-workers.

Hodge believes one image from an MRI shows a miraculous vision of Jesus, showing the Crucifixion.

"You can almost seen the thorns around the head and the nails... the nails through the feet," she said.

Hodge doesn't know what to do next, but some of her friends have been offering some suggestions.

"They've been trying to get me to sell the pictures on eBay," said Hodge. "It's been quite a few months, I haven't done it yet. I don't know. You could actually see the hands. They look like they're nailed on the cross. You can see the body. It's in a straight line, and then you see his feet. They look like they're together, and the knees are bent."

Hodge said there's no doubt in her mind that the x-ray does, indeed, look like the Crucifixion. 

But has it changed her life?

"I think I believe as much as I need to," said Hodge. "I can't be swayed by a picture. My neck does feel better. I don't know if that was Jesus or physical therapy."

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