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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Let me Google that for you.

1. In the century following Columbus’s trip to the New World, people began playing an organized sport on a frozen surface. Where did that sport begin?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [century of Columbus trip to New World] and find out that it took place in the 15th century. Search [sports played on ice]. This will lead you to a number of sports, one of which is curling. A search for [curling] will show that the sport began in the 16th century in ____.

2. How many U.S. states border an ocean that is 64,186,000 square miles in area?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [64,186,000 square mile ocean] to learn it’s the Pacific. Go to Google Maps and look for states bordering the Pacific to see that there are ____. ____, ____, ____, ____, ____.

3. You are blindfolded in a small flat-bottomed boat on either the River Cam or the Venice canals. You can hear nothing but the sound of the oar in the water. Where are you?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [flat-bottomed boats River Cam] to find they are called punts and are propelled by a pole pushing against the river’s bottom. Compare with [flat-bottomed boats Venice] and find they are gondolas, which are traditionally powered with an oar. You can safely conclude that you are in ____.

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