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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let me Google that for you. - Triple!

1. Alligators have died out in Europe, giant predatory birds are dying out in South America, and a supernova has damaged the ozone layer. What epoch is it?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [alligators died out in Europe era], then [giant South American predatory birds died out era], and then [supernova ozone era] to discover that all these events happened most recently during the ____ epoch, about two to five million years ago.

2. Where was the composer of the symphony Das Lied von der Erde during its first public performance?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [composer Das Lied von der Erde] to find Gustav Mahler. Search [Gustav Mahler] to learn that his symphonies weren’t initially well-received and that Das Lied von der Erde was never performed publicly during his lifetime. Search [Gustav Mahler grave] to find that during the premiere, Mahler was in the ____ in Vienna, Austria.

3. If your doorknob is made with an alloy of copper and zinc, it naturally disinfects itself. How many hours does it take to sanitize?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [alloy of copper and zinc] to get brass. Search [brass self-sanitizing] and read to learn that brass doorknobs typically kill most surface bacteria within ____ of being touched.

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