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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

RIAA to probe Pope's iPod?

Benny 16 in illegal copying slur

Benny 16 in illegal copying slur

The Pope has an iPod, the Catholic News Service reports. Unfortunately, they don't report whether there was a one-off interface created for His Popeliness to reflect the official language of the Vatical; Latin.

So, from my two years of in-depth Classical studies at high school (thanks Sr McManus), may I suggest the root menu should read:

Canti Picturae Addenda Ordinatonis Miracula Canti Adhuc Tibicinium

Of course, certain liberties were taken in the composition of this menu, as the ancient Romans inconsiderately failed to provide a word for "photograph" or "shuffle". So, "Miracula Canti" means "surprise songs" or possibly (and appropriately) "miraculous songs".

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