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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Wizard has added a new series, it may be short run, let me know if you like it

The new series deals with life experiences and is called:

 "... according to OZmopolitan." 

It will deal with human emotional experiences. Let me know if you like it, by making a comment. 

Do you have questions about human interaction? Send to me by using the form on  the left hand side of OZ.  

Here is the first one. 

What are the best first dates according to OZmopolitan

First date

The best first dates are ones that allow for meaningful interaction, foster a comfortable atmosphere, and provide opportunities for getting to know each other better. Here are some ideas for great first dates:

  1. Coffee or tea date: Meeting for a casual coffee or tea at a cozy café allows for relaxed conversation and getting to know each other without feeling pressured.

  2. Mini-golf or other fun activities: Engaging in a lighthearted activity like mini-golf, bowling, or visiting an amusement park can break the ice and provide opportunities for laughter and bonding.

  3. Walk in the park: Taking a stroll in a nearby park or botanical garden allows for easy conversation while enjoying nature's beauty.

  4. Art gallery or museum visit: Exploring an art gallery or museum together provides interesting topics for discussion and a chance to share personal perspectives.

  5. Cooking or baking together: If you both enjoy culinary experiences, cooking or baking together can be a fun and collaborative way to bond.

  6. Attend a local event or concert: Check out local events, live music, or performances happening in your area for an enjoyable and entertaining date.

  7. Picnic in the park: Pack some snacks and enjoy a picnic in a scenic spot, providing a relaxed setting for getting to know each other.

  8. Visit a farmer's market: Exploring a farmer's market together can be a unique and charming experience, allowing for casual conversation and trying local treats.

  9. Trivia night: If you both enjoy testing your knowledge, participating in a trivia night at a local bar or pub can be a fun and interactive date.

  10. Volunteer together: Share a meaningful experience by volunteering for a cause or organization you both care about.

Remember, the best first date is one where both individuals feel comfortable, can engage in genuine conversation, and have the opportunity to learn more about each other's interests, values, and personalities. Be yourself, stay open-minded, and most importantly, have fun!

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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