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Sunday, June 12, 2022

From The Emerald City - Crisis in Ukraine


From The Emerald City

My Dear 'OZ'ians,

I have noticed that it is getting harder and harder to keep up with the Ukraine invasion by Russia. All the websites I use, Al Jazeera, CNN, CTV News, Even AP news. It appears that the shortcuts to specific live updates are getting harder to find. 

I am hoping this does not mean the West has started to forget about the crisis, and that we must never forget that the war continues. I implore you not to succumb to war normality in the ensuing weeks. We must keep Ukraine on the top of our minds and not forget or normalize the war. It is something that still must be stopped. I don't think it's apathy, but a normalization as something that happens in many cases cannot happen to Ukraine!

We must endeavour to not let this happen. Write to your favourite news gatherers and insist that the Ukrainian invasion must remain top of mind. 

Stay strong Ukraine! 

Слава Україні!


The Wizard 

Note: This post is the opinion of The Wizard of 'OZ' and no-one else and reflects as best I can tell from the available information out there.

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