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Friday, August 06, 2010

Wise Words

Be Wise

Be Wise!Your bones
Munch on carrots, the potassium and magnesium in it will strengthen your bones.

Be Wise!The Ideal Babysitter

Choosing the very best sitter is not an easy job. Someone who will love your child, nourish them, teach them, comfort them, listen to them, feed them the proper foods, give them plenty of attention, offer outdoor, supervised, play and age appropriate, developmental skills and activities; keep them clean, interact with them, read to them, play with them and talk to them. The demands are great and no one can meet them like YOU, THE MOTHER CAN. You are the ideal sitter and childcare giver for your child. It will pay rich dividends if you take the job. What an awesome and worthwhile investment it will prove to be!

Be Wise!Live Fully!!
Most people hold onto the past, look forward to the future, and do not embrace the present. Only those who can appreciate what they have now live fully.

--Tsai Chih

Be Wise!General Wisdom

Most of our suspicions of others are aroused by our knowledge of ourselves.

Be Wise!True Patriotism

True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.

- Clarence Darrow

Be Wise!Sports Championship

Offense wins games.

Defense wins championships.

Be Wise!Baggage Care and Attention

When you claim your bag at the airport, check it over before you leave the bag claim area. Look for any new damage on the bag, and to be sure that it was not opened and something taken (airlines have time limits for when these can be reported, and they will need to see the damage before opening the claim for damage or pilferage). The baggage service desk for the airline is normally right in the claim area; this is also true for Customs arrivals. It is especially important to fill out the misplaced baggage information before leaving Customs, as Customs will have special forms that may help the baggage clear without your presence at the airport. If you have combination locks or keys for the baggage, these should be left with the paperwork for your baggage - as it will prevent delays in getting your bag or possible bag damage from Customs opening the bag.

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