Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Spring has sprung (well - yesterday!)

Spring is here!

Oh Spring, how sweet your coming is
As you shake off Winter's icy grip
The sun's warmth returns, the air's a-kiss
With blossoms, buds, and flowers in the slip

The world awakens to your soft embrace
The trees are green, the fields are bright
The birds return to their rightful place
And sing with joy at the end of night

You bring us hope and new beginnings
A time to start afresh and grow
With each day, the world's a-winnings
As we embrace the beauty you bestow

Oh, Spring, how we adore thee
You remind us of life's sweetest things
Of hope, of love, of all that's free
And the joy that the season brings

So, let us bask in your gentle sun
And breathe in your sweet perfumes
For you remind us that life's just begun
And the world is full of sweet blooms.

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