Sunday, September 25, 2022

POWER OFF - The six vampire devices you need to switch off to save cash

Note: The following article originates at The Sun UK authored by Anthony Russo and I have converted the savings from Pounds to CDN dollar. The amount of savings is according to British Gas.

Vampire power devices remained plugged in takes power

MILLIONS of households are bracing for a spike in bills - but you can try to beat the hikes by powering down energy-hungry appliances.

So-called “vampire appliances” drain energy when left on standby or used inefficiently and they could be seeing your bills rack up.

Research by British Gas revealed families could save an average of $217 each year by switching these types of devices off.

1. TV - $37.70/yr

TV's are one of the most energy-hungry devices in the home when left on standby.

A telly uses 40 watts of energy when it's being used, but still guzzles up 10 watts when it's on standby.

British Gas' research suggests more than 60% of households leave their TV on standby for an average of 20 hours every day.

So plenty of people could do with fully turning the appliance off.

2. Set top box/DVR - $35.39/yr

A set top-box is a great way to ensure you don't miss your favourite programmes if you're heading off on holiday.

But if the device is unused by sitting in standby mode then it could be adding extra costs to your energy bills.

It's estimated a shocking 87% of families don't turn off their set top-boxes.

3. Internet router - $28.94/yr

It might be convenient to leave your router or modem on so you can access the internet anytime but doing so adds $28.94 to your electricity bills a year.

More than 90% of households have said that they leave their routers plugged into the walls at home.

4. Microwave - $25.08/yr

Switching off your microwave after every use is another way you could save cash.

Households leave their microwaves on standby for a total of 23 hours a day on average, working out as $25.08 extra on your bill each year.

5. Games console - $18.64/yr

Your Xbox and Playstation use 130 an 120 watts respectively when they’re in use, but still eat up 10 watts when they’re on standby.

It's estimated that households can save an average of $18.64 per year by switching off their game consoles when not in use.

6. Computer - $17.19/yr

Nearly 80% of households don't switch off their computers, which works out at an average of $17.19 per year.

Other appliances that might be adding to your energy bills when left on standby include:

Shower: $15.01 <-- I don't get this one either!

Dishwasher: $10.51

Tumble dryer:$7.34

Washing machine: $7.25

Printer: $5.84

Phone charger: $1.93

*The Sun 

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