Saturday, September 24, 2022

Linux users are such SPOILED BRATS!


Linux users, (myself and most other users an exception), as soon as their "free" software requires some adjustments to the way they think are needed, or a feature is added that they don't want or need, are such SPOILED BRATS and fickle and they jump to (or threaten to) a different distribution!

Things not going 100% their way when 99.9% IS going their way, they threaten to jump ship, abandon their Linux Distribution - and load something else, then complain that that one doesn't do everything they want, exactly the way they want and swap distros (distributions) again. And again. And again! Truly must be nice to have all that free time!

This is "Free" software - as in Free Beer (because it doesn't cost money for the most part) and "Free" software as part of the FOSS (Free Open Source Software), allowing them to even modify it - making sure to keep the licensing open and state in there what was changed. Then they can make that available or distribute that free of charge.

I say grow up you spoiled brats. Work with your OS and make changes you want and keep in mind, the devs are making software OS's that will fulfill the needs of the many, not the needs of the few. Be nice. Ask the development team to include something and why they should want to include it. They may just do that.

I'm sorry, this is not directed at all Linux users, as most of us make the most of our systems, and don't just jump ship when things are done a different way or things you don't want are added. Just remove them from your system. Part of being a Linux user, don't get me wrong, is the ability to find and test a different distro than you are currently using - I don't discourage that at all. It's the "distro hoppers".

I have been using Ubuntu for about 10 years. After this time a few months ago, I did switch to Ubuntu MATE, which was a well thought out and careful change from standard Ubuntu. And yes, there were somethings, I didn't like so I removed/changed them and somethings I wanted it to have so those were installed. 

"Distro-Hoppers" - Make a comment if you are offended!

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