Tuesday, April 26, 2022

From The Emerald City - Crisis in Ukraine


  From The Emerald City

My Dear OZians,

Now that Russian dick(tator) has his monkey Lavrov spouting that World War III is possible, along with Russia using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

“The danger is serious, it is real, you can’t underestimate it,” Lavrov told the Interfax news agency.

Are he and Putin totally crazy? No-one in their right mind will use nukes in this or any other war. Probably sabre-rattling. One hopes. 

Lack of progress in Putin's war has shown that Russia is indeed losing the war, and that there is a real possibility that Ukraine will be victorious. The uncertainty of Russia winning the war is what's behind the talk about nuclear weapons. They may just be desperate enough to use them.  

To be sure, Putin et al. have been backed into a corner and desperately need a victory of some kind for Victory Day (May 1st), to justify the reasons for the war in the first place. I don't see a way for Putin to save face and he is becoming more desperate as time goes on.

Russia and Putin must be held accountable! Now and in the future. 

Stay Strong Ukraine! You have friends throughout The World. Слава Україні!

The Wizard 

Note: This post is the opinion of The Wizard of 'OZ' and no-one else and reflects as best I can tell from the available information out there.

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