Friday, August 02, 2024

What is the cruel truth about McDonald's food?

Pink Slime
The biggest scandal in McDonald's's history is undoubtedly that of the "pink slime."

In 2012, the American network ABC revealed, with supporting images, that up to 70% of minced meat sold in fast food restaurants (and in supermarkets) is in part composed of "pink slime

", a cheap food additive that is added to meat. It's a "filler." This makes it possible to sell a product with the name "beef" when it is only partially beef...

Pink slime consists of finely chopped pieces of ground beef, tendons, fat, and connective tissue that have been mechanically removed in a centrifuge to make a paste.

The latter is treated with ammonia or citric acid to eliminate bacteria, then is finely ground, pressed into blocks and frozen for industrial use.


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