Monday, August 05, 2024

How do you know if you're being fooled by artificial intelligence in photos?

There are two ways we can detect fraud.

Look at this photo, for example:

AI created pope with a gun

The first one: pay attention to the hands of the characters.

Our AI is not yet able to give a proper finish to limbs. This includes hands, noses, and ears (the intricate interior of these places). It also does not reproduce letters, texts, and whole numbers. It looks like they're part of Star Wars calligraphy. So just pay attention to this and you easily identify the fraud. Unfortunately the technology is making great strides and soon this will be behind us and then we will not be able to do much about it. Which brings us to the second option: have common sense!

To have common sense is to have a critical spirit. It is to have the sense that something is wrong and that it needs to be verified, before being an idiot, to take it as true and immediately reproduce what one receives.

Be responsible.

Criticize. Doubt. Check first. This is your true and most powerful weapon against the lies and hatred of others.


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