Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Ode to a dick

Donald Trump

In gilded towers of gold and glass,
A figure rose, a shadow cast.
With words that stung and tweets that flared,
A leader came, but many despaired.

Promises made with boastful pride,
But trust was lost, and truth denied.
A nation torn, the wounds laid bare,
In bitter strife and deep despair.

The earth ignored, the climate scorned,
As science wept, and warnings warned.
With walls and bans, division grew,
A dream of unity withdrew.

The norms were bent, traditions shook,
The rule of law in peril took.
With every move, each act, each phrase,
A flame of discord set ablaze.

Injustice thrived, compassion waned,
The cries of many left unchained.
A leader’s role to bridge, to heal,
But instead, a fractured zeal.

So here we stand, with hope anew,
To mend the tears, to start anew.
For in the end, the power lies,
In hands of many, not the guise.

Can you tell he is my least favourite person in the World? He ranks with Putin and Kim Jong-Un, and I don't want him as president to the country next to mine.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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