Saturday, May 18, 2024

An Ode to May

In May's embrace, a world awakes,
A tapestry of colours, nature's keepsakes.
Blossoms bloom in fields so fair,
A symphony of scents fills the air.

The sun's warm kiss on cheeks of rose,
A gentle breeze through meadows flows.
Life stirs in every blade of green,
A vibrant dance, a joyful scene.

The birds in chorus sweetly sing,
Their melodies on zephyr's wing.
Each note, a gift, a song of mirth,
A celebration of rebirth.

In May's embrace, the days grow long,
And fleeting moments become a song.
Time's tender touch, a gentle rhyme,
A fleeting verse, a passing chime.

As May unfolds its wondrous art,
We find new hope within our heart.
For life, like May, is but a span,
A fleeting bloom in nature's plan.

So let us cherish every day,
In May's embrace, let worries sway.
Embrace the joy, the love, the strife,
And saver the sweet gift of life.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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