Friday, March 01, 2024

Water - Its impacts on health

Fridge full of bottled water

Some people say they don't want to drink before bed so you don't have to get up at night to go to the bathroom

I asked my cardiologist why do people (especially old people) pee so much at night.

His answer was: When you stand or sit, the force of gravity holds water in your lower body.

This is why legs can swell.

When you lie down, your lower body seeks balance with the kidneys.

So the kidneys remove the water along with the trash because then it's easier.

Water is essential to remove waste from your body.

I asked the cardiologist when is the best time to drink water. He answered me:

Drinking water at well defined times maximizes efficiency in the body.

- 2 glasses of water right after waking up activates internal organs.

- 1 glass of water 30 minutes before each meal improves digestion.

- 1 glass of water before taking a bath (or shower) lowers blood pressure.

- 1 glass of water before going to bed, prevents stroke or heart attack.

Drink water before bed, avoid leg cramps during the night.

Your leg muscles, when you have cramps, are particularly seeking water and moisture.

1. If you take an aspirin every day, it's best to take it at night.

- The reason: aspirin has a "half-span" of 24 hours.

So: if most heart attacks happen in the morning, the aspirin in your body will be at its peak then.

2. Aspirins can last for many years in your small pharmacy, but not too much cause as they get older they smell like vinegar

Why keep aspirin on your bedside table?

Besides pain in the left arm, there are other symptoms that indicate a heart attack:

Intense chin (and jaw) pain, nausea and heavy sweats...

But these symptoms are less common.

Note: in a heart attack it is possible that you have NO chest pain.

If you ever wake up to intense chest pains, Immediately swallow two aspirins with a little water.

Call 911 and say "heart attack"! and also that you took 2 aspirin.

Sit on a chair by the front door and wait for rescue.


A single human life could probably be saved, a cardiologist said if every person who reads this post forwards it to 10 other people!

For me it's done It's up to you now!


Source: Quora

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