Tuesday, September 12, 2023


The destroyed World Trade Center in NY

I remember my birthday from Sept 12, 2011 like it was yesterday. The day before, I was glued to CNN as New York was reeling due to the attacks in the city. I remember thinking, oh boy this will be World War III, and I may not be alive to have my birthday which was the day after the attacks. 

Actually seeing the second plane hit the tower, I was shocked, thinking This isn't happening! Oh my God! What the Hell?!

The idea of using commercial planes to commit a terror attack on our home soil was unthinkable. 

So, here in 2023, I am still remembering that day - and I am hoping that nothing like this happens again. 

Peace and love to my American Readers... we shall always remember and never forget the loss of life on September 11, 2011. And I will always be sad upon recollection of this life changing event.

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