Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The 411 - The Royal Clutch

The Royals

411The posture, where Prince Harry, Prince William, and former Prince Charles, now King are shown walking with their right hand over their stomach, is likely a traditional gesture associated with their royal upbringing. It is commonly known as the "royal wave" or the "royal clutch."

Members of the British royal family often engage in numerous public appearances, events, and walkabouts where they interact with crowds of well-wishers and supporters. The royal wave is a recognizable and formal gesture used to acknowledge and greet people in a polite and dignified manner without physically shaking hands or engaging in prolonged contact. It is a way of maintaining a sense of decorum and respect while navigating through public engagements.

The gesture involves lightly placing the hand over the abdomen or waist, typically at chest level, with fingers slightly curled. The wave may vary in intensity and style among different members of the royal family, but the underlying purpose is to convey a friendly acknowledgment to the public while maintaining an air of regality and restraint.

Personal habits and variations in body language can differ among individuals, and the interpretation of specific gestures may vary.

Source: Some or all of the content was generated using an AI language model

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