Sunday, March 12, 2023

Ode to the computer technical support person

The Wizard at work
In the digital realm, where problems arise
And tech troubles can bring tears to the eyes,
A hero appears, a saviour in sight,
The technical support person, armed with might.

With tools and knowledge, they work with care,
Diagnosing issues, fixing with flair,
From software to hardware, they know it all,
And patiently guide us through each tech call.

They speak in jargon, yet make it clear,
Their expertise calming all our fear,
With a click of a mouse, a tap of a key,
They solve our problems with effortless ease.

They work all day, and into the night,
Their tireless efforts never out of sight,
A world without them would be a fright,
But technical support is always in sight.

So here's to the heroes behind the screen,
Whose work is never quite what it seems,
The ones who keep us connected and sound,
Our tech support team, always around.

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