Monday, February 06, 2023

The Christian Witch

Pentacle on Cross

By Brian Bogdan 

Can you be a Christian witch? In my opinion, yes and no. I believe you can be a Christian witch, but not a Christian Wiccan. And yet that is what I consider myself to be... How can I justify that?

Christians believe on one God, and is a monotheistic religion as a Christian must believe in the one God, where as Wicca is a polytheistic religion, whose practitioners believe in ‘a’ Goddess and God, among which there are many to choose from.

I’m kind of in an in between area. My pantheon consists of a Goddess and God, and also the One. Goddess Isis, God Ra, who both together are combined for the One. And in my  mind these two make up the One – which I equate that to the same as the Christian God.

To remain a Christian, one must believe in one all powerful God. The Goddess and God are the two that I invoke when casting a circle. But I also believe that the One or the All are with me anytime I invoke my deities. This is the one area where I am in conflict. My Christian upbringing tell me I am breaking a Commandment – “Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me.” The way I rationalize this with my Wiccan spiritual practice is that my Goddess and God combined together are 2 halves of a whole, God.

Am I guilty of changing my ritual just so I can put my heart and mind at rest that I still believe in the Christian God, while appealing to my two deities, during my Wiccan practices? I don’t know. But I can say that it works for me. I am at peace with “my version” of Wicca.

During my rituals, I invoke Isis and Ra at the beginning of my circle, then a bit later I invoke the One to watch over me while in my Circle. I include the One in most spells, when I need an extra “punch” for a really important spell requiring the combined power of both of my deities.

I consider myself to actually be a Catholic Wiccan. This was a recent change in my ethos. I started in Wicca as am Eclectic Egyptian Wiccan, but recently I came ‘back to the fold’. This caused a rift between Catholic and Wiccan values. I go to church every week as well as performing Wiccan rituals regularly. I do not hide my Pentacle while I’m at church and when the priest gives me a blessing, its there (outside my t-shirt), for him and the world to see.

I am proud to be a Wiccan. I am proud to be a Catholic Christian and I am at peace in combining the two together. So I give due diligence to my Goddess Isis, my God, Ra and God – the One.

This may be controversial – but I am at peace with that. Also I know that the dogma of the Catholic Church would frown upon my choices. That has not come up as of yet. Will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Blessed Be. 

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